Friday, December 13, 2013

"Ann Coulter Misinterprets Show About Meth"

In my colleague’s blog, “Ann Coulter Misinterprets Show about Meth,” he points out how conservative blogger/author/pest-of-life Ann Coulter points out that the popular AMC television show “Breaking Bad” is similar to The Bible. At first you think that maybe she’s thinking of a different show with a different name, not the show about meth that gives you higher risk of high blood pressure every time you watch it. But, in fact, she is referring to the one and only “Breaking Bad that we know.”
The reason that I chose this blog is because I think there is an interesting connection between politics and religion that clusters many complicated things together. Ann Coulter is a popular (hopefully in the same light that Snookie from Jersey Shore is popular, surely no one takes this woman too seriously) political commentator who has made a career out of her Conservative views.  In my opinion, she emphasizes her “Christian” beliefs in order to receive the approval of those of the Christian range. Many politicians are also blatantly guilty of this, Obama being the latest to jump around in his beliefs. (Christian? Muslim? Atheist? What does it really matter? He’s running our country....Are we going to judge him for what TV channels he watches too?) However, while I can’t for sure jump inside of the minds and beliefs of these politicians, we can all clearly see that their behavior is not very “Christian-like” to say the least. Do they go to church? Do they pray before dinner? Or are they too busy hushing their illegitimate children and cocaine addictions to live the way that they announce they do? Many people have religious ulterior motives, promising that they are a good person because they believe in Jesus Christ, but actually living different lifestyles. They lure a gullible crowd into having faith in them as people and then they only disappoint later.  (A party-boss-like exchange: Shared beliefs for a vote.) Our country should not judge how someone will be in office based on their religious beliefs, and that is where we go very wrong. By depending so much on political and spiritual labels, we are dividing ourselves and furthering ourselves from progress as a country. Ann Coulter uses her “Christian” label to seduce fans, just as central figures of our government use Christianity to get away with their sins. 

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